Unlock Your Career Potential with Interview Mentor AI

Introducing Interview Mentor AI, your personalized interview companion powered by the advanced GPT-4 Turbo. Supercharge your job preparation as our AI conducts tailored interviews based on your resume or job preferences. Receive invaluable feedback, refine your responses, and boost your confidence for that dream job. Say goodbye to generic advice—embrace a smarter, more tailored approach with Interview Mentor AI.


How does it work ?

Upload your resume

Kickstart your personalized interview journey by uploading your resume

Let our AI analyze and customize your practice sessions based on your unique skills and experiences.

Generate questions

Generate targeted interview questions aligned with your profile instantly.

Our AI creates tailored questions based on your resume or job preferences, refining your preparation for success.

Reply questions and get feedback

Craft confident responses to AI-generated questions and receive instant feedback.

Hone your interview skills with personalized insights, ensuring you shine in every practice session.


Tailored Interview Experience

Craft a personalized interview journey tailored to your resume or job preferences. Interview Mentor AI adapts to your unique profile, ensuring every practice session aligns with your career goals.

GPT-4 Turbo Technology

Powered by the cutting-edge GPT-4 Turbo, our AI ensures an intelligent and context-aware interview experience. Stay ahead with the latest in artificial intelligence for more accurate and dynamic responses.

Real-time Feedback for Real Growth

Receive instant, actionable feedback on your interview performance. Identify strengths, tackle weaknesses, and watch your skills grow with each practice session. Elevate your interview game with constructive insights.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Seamlessly integrate interview preparation into your schedule. With Interview Mentor AI, practice on the go and be interview-ready wherever life takes you. Your success is just a click away.


Whether you're just trying out our service or need more, we've got you covered.


20 tokens


20 tokens

  • 2 tokens per questions
  • 10 tokens per PDF uploaded
  • 2 tokens per feedback
  • 5 tokens per transcription
  • Personalized Interviews

  • GPT-4 Turbo Technology

  • Real-time Feedback

  • Tailored Advice

  • Prority support

Buy now


200 tokens


120 tokens

  • 2 tokens per questions
  • 10 tokens per PDF uploaded
  • 2 tokens per feedback
  • 5 tokens per transcription
  • Personalized Interviews

  • GPT-4 Turbo Technology

  • Real-time Feedback

  • Tailored Advice

  • Prority support

Frequently asked questions